- ext
- clib
- socket.pl -- Network socket (TCP and UDP) library
- uid.pl -- User and group management on Unix systems
- unix.pl -- Unix specific operations
- syslog.pl
- filesex.pl -- Extended operations on files
- uri.pl -- Process URIs
- process.pl -- Create processes and redirect I/O
- time.pl -- Time and alarm library
- sha.pl -- SHA secure hashes
- crypt.pl
- memfile.pl
- uuid.pl -- Universally Unique Identifier (UUID) Library
- hash_stream.pl -- Maintain a hash on a stream
- md5.pl -- MD5 hashes
- streampool.pl -- Input multiplexing
- cgi.pl -- Read CGI parameters
- prolog_stream.pl -- A stream with Prolog callbacks
- udp_broadcast.pl -- A UDP broadcast proxy
- rlimit.pl
- clib
- pipe(-InSream, -OutStream) is det
- Create a communication-pipe. This is normally used to make a
child communicate to its parent. After pipe/2, the process is
cloned and, depending on the desired direction, both processes
close the end of the pipe they do not use. Then they use the
remaining stream to communicate. Here is a simple example:
:- use_module(library(unix)). fork_demo(Result) :- pipe(Read, Write), fork(Pid), ( Pid == child -> close(Read), format(Write, '~q.~n', [hello(world)]), flush_output(Write), halt ; close(Write), read(Read, Result), close(Read) ).