- ext
- ssl
- ssl.pl -- Secure Socket Layer (SSL) library
- ssl_context/3
- ssl_upgrade_legacy_options/2
- ssl_add_certificate_key/4
- ssl_set_options/3
- ssl_property/2
- ssl_negotiate/5
- ssl_peer_certificate/2
- ssl_peer_certificate_chain/2
- ssl_session/2
- load_certificate/2
- write_certificate/3
- load_crl/2
- system_root_certificates/1
- load_private_key/3
- load_public_key/2
- cert_accept_any/5
- same_certificate/2
- verify_certificate_issuer/2
- verify_certificate/3
- certificate_field/2
- ssl_secure_ciphers/1
- crypto.pl -- Cryptography and authentication library
- xmldsig.pl -- XML Digital signature
- xmlenc.pl -- XML encryption library
- ssl.pl -- Secure Socket Layer (SSL) library
- ssl
- load_private_key(+Stream, +Password, -PrivateKey) is det
- Load a private key PrivateKey from the given stream Stream,
using Password to decrypt the key if it is encrypted. Note that
the password is currently only supported for PEM files.
DER-encoded keys which are password protected will not load. The
key must be an RSA or EC key. DH and DSA keys are not supported,
and PrivateKey will be bound to an atom (dh_key or dsa_key) if
you try and load such a key. Otherwise PrivateKey will be
unified with
where KeyTerm is an rsa/8 term representing an RSA key, or ec/3 for EC keys.