- ClioPatria
- rdfql
- serql.pl
- rdfql_util.pl
- sparql_runtime.pl -- SPARQL runtime support
- rdfql_runtime.pl -- SPARQL/SeRQL runtime support predicates
- serql_runtime.pl
- sparql.pl
- sparql_grammar.pl -- SPARQL Parser
- jena_properties.pl
- text_properties.pl
- rdf_io.pl
- rdf_html.pl -- Write query-results as HTML table.
- sparql_xml_result.pl
- sparql_json_result.pl -- Write SPARQL results as JSON
- sparql_csv_result.pl -- Write SPARQL results as CSV
- rdf_turtle_io.pl -- Write query-result graphs as Turtle
- serql_xml_result.pl
- rdfql
- sparql_subquery(+Proj, :Query, +Solutions) is nondet
- Execute a SPARQL subquery.
- Arguments:
Proj - is a list of variables that are shared with the outer query. - To be done
- - Call the optimizer.
- - Sub queries must be evaluated before the outer query, so we must move them to the head of the query evaluation. Not doing so causes no harm, but leads to repetitive execution of the subquery.