- ClioPatria
- rdfql
- serql.pl
- rdfql_util.pl
- sparql_runtime.pl -- SPARQL runtime support
- rdfql_runtime.pl -- SPARQL/SeRQL runtime support predicates
- serql_runtime.pl
- sparql.pl
- sparql_grammar.pl -- SPARQL Parser
- jena_properties.pl
- text_properties.pl
- rdf_io.pl
- rdf_html.pl -- Write query-results as HTML table.
- sparql_xml_result.pl
- sparql_json_result.pl -- Write SPARQL results as JSON
- sparql_csv_result.pl -- Write SPARQL results as CSV
- rdf_turtle_io.pl -- Write query-result graphs as Turtle
- serql_xml_result.pl
- rdfql
- sparql_find(?From, ?To, ?F, ?T, :Q) is nondet
- Implement *(PropertyPath). We should probably collect translated
queries in a dynamic predicate to avoid the copy_term. Also, Q
will quite often be simple. In that case we can map to
rdf_reachable/3, although one of the problems is that
rdf_reachable/3 uses rdf_has/3, and does not deal with graphs.
We should be a bit smarter here and choose between forward, backward, two-sided breath-first, etc. based on which start point is given.
- To be done
- - Maybe a thing for using tor? Planning most likely more important than the iteration speed.