- semweb
- semweb
- rdf_db.pl -- Core RDF database
- rdf_equal/2
- lang_equal/2
- lang_matches/2
- rdf/3
- rdf/4
- rdf_has/3
- rdf_has/4
- rdf_reachable/3
- rdf_reachable/5
- rdf_subject/1
- rdf_resource/1
- rdf_assert/3
- rdf_assert/4
- rdf_retractall/3
- rdf_retractall/4
- rdf_update/4
- rdf_update/5
- rdf_member_property/2
- rdf_node/1
- rdf_bnode/1
- rdf_is_bnode/1
- rdf_is_resource/1
- rdf_is_literal/1
- rdf_current_literal/1
- rdf_literal_value/2
- rdf_source_location/2
- rdf_create_gc_thread/0
- rdf_gc/0
- rdf_statistics/1
- rdf_current_predicate/1
- rdf_predicate_property/2
- rdf_set_predicate/2
- rdf_snapshot/1
- rdf_delete_snapshot/1
- rdf_current_snapshot/1
- rdf_transaction/1
- rdf_transaction/2
- rdf_transaction/3
- rdf_active_transaction/1
- rdf_monitor/2
- rdf_warm_indexes/0
- rdf_warm_indexes/1
- rdf_update_duplicates/0
- rdf_update_duplicates_thread/0
- rdf_update_duplicates/0
- rdf_save_db/1
- rdf_save_db/2
- rdf_load_db/1
- rdf_load/1
- rdf_load/2
- rdf_file_type/2
- rdf_load_stream/3
- rdf_unload/1
- rdf_unload_graph/1
- rdf_create_graph/1
- rdf_graph/1
- rdf_source/2
- rdf_source/1
- rdf_make/0
- rdf_graph_property/2
- rdf_set_graph/2
- rdf_reset_db/0
- rdf_save/1
- rdf_save/2
- rdf_save_header/2
- rdf_graph_prefixes/2
- rdf_graph_prefixes/3
- rdf_save_footer/1
- rdf_save_subject/3
- rdf_compare/3
- rdf_match_label/3
- rdf_split_url/3
- rdf_url_namespace/2
- rdf_new_literal_map/1
- rdf_destroy_literal_map/1
- rdf_reset_literal_map/1
- rdf_insert_literal_map/3
- rdf_insert_literal_map/4
- rdf_delete_literal_map/2
- rdf_delete_literal_map/3
- rdf_find_literal_map/3
- rdf_keys_in_literal_map/3
- rdf_statistics_literal_map/2
- rdf_version/1
- rdf_set/1
- rdf_md5/2
- rdf_generation/1
- rdf_estimate_complexity/4
- rdf_debug/1
- rdf_atom_md5/3
- rdf_prefixes.pl -- RDF prefixes management
- rdfs.pl -- RDFS handling
- rdf11.pl -- RDF 1.1 API
- rdf_persistency.pl -- RDF persistency plugin
- rdf_litindex.pl -- Search literals
- rdf_ntriples.pl -- Process files in the RDF N-Triples format
- sparql_client.pl -- SPARQL client library
- rdf_http_plugin.pl -- RDF HTTP Plugin
- rdf_turtle_write.pl -- Turtle - Terse RDF Triple Language writer
- turtle.pl -- Turtle: Terse RDF Triple Language
- rdf_library.pl -- RDF Library Manager
- rdf_turtle.pl -- Turtle reader
- rdf_cache.pl -- Cache RDF triples
- rdf_sandbox.pl -- Declare RDF API sandbox-safe
- rdf_zlib_plugin.pl -- RDF compressed-data plugin
- rdf_db.pl -- Core RDF database
- semweb
- rdf_generation(-Generation) is det
- True when Generation is the current generation of the database.
Each modification to the database increments the generation. It
can be used to check the validity of cached results deduced from
the database. Committing a non-empty transaction increments the
generation by one.
When inside a transaction, Generation is unified to a term TransactionStartGen + InsideTransactionGen. E.g., 4+3 means that the transaction was started at generation 4 of the global database and we have created 3 new generations inside the transaction. Note that this choice of representation allows for comparing generations using Prolog arithmetic. Comparing a generation in one transaction with a generation in another transaction is meaningless.