1/* Part of ClioPatria 2 3 Author: Jan Wielemaker 4 E-mail: J.Wielemaker@vu.nl 5 WWW: http://www.swi-prolog.org 6 Copyright (c) 2010-2012, University of Amsterdam 7 CWI, Asterdam 8 VU University Amsterdam 9 All rights reserved. 10 11 Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without 12 modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions 13 are met: 14 15 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright 16 notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 17 18 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright 19 notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in 20 the documentation and/or other materials provided with the 21 distribution. 22 23 THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS 24 "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT 25 LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS 26 FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE 27 COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, 28 INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, 29 BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; 30 LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER 31 CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT 32 LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN 33 ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE 34 POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. 35*/ 36 37:- module(http_help, 38 [ page_documentation_link//1 % +Request 39 ]). 40:- use_module(http_tree). 41:- use_module(doc_components, 42 [ api_tester//2, 43 init_api_tester//0 44 ]). 45:- use_module(library(http/http_dispatch)). 46:- use_module(library(http/http_path)). 47:- use_module(library(http/http_json)). 48:- use_module(library(http/js_write)). 49:- use_module(library(http/html_write)). 50:- use_module(library(http/html_head)). 51:- use_module(library(http/http_host)). 52:- use_module(library(http/http_parameters)). 53:- use_module(library(option)). 54:- use_module(library(lists)). 55:- use_module(library(apply)). 56 % PlDoc interface 57:- use_module(library(pldoc/doc_html)). 58:- use_module(library(pldoc/doc_process)).
73:- http_handler(root(help/http), http_help, []). 74:- http_handler(root(help/http_handler), help_on_handler, []). 75:- http_handler(root(help/http_ac_location), ac_location, []).
81page_documentation_link(Request) -->
82 { memberchk(path(Path), Request),
83 http_link_to_id(http_help, [location=Path], HREF),
84 http_absolute_location(icons('doc.png'), IMG, [])
85 },
86 html(a([id('dev-help'), href(HREF)],
87 img([ alt('Developer help'),
88 title('Page documentation'),
89 src(IMG)
90 ]))).
96http_help(Request) :-
97 http_parameters(Request,
98 [ location(Start,
99 [ optional(true),
100 description('Display help on location')
101 ])
102 ]),
103 http_current_host(Request, Host, Port, [global(true)]),
104 ( Port == 80
105 -> Authority = Host
106 ; format(atom(Authority), '~w:~w', [Host, Port])
107 ),
108 ( var(Start)
109 -> Options = []
110 ; Options = [ location(Start) ]
111 ),
112 reply_html_page(cliopatria(http_help),
113 title('Server help'),
114 [ body(class('yui-skin-sam'),
115 [ h1(class(title), 'Server at ~w'-[Authority]),
116 \help_page(Options)
117 ])
118 ]).
131help_page(Options) --> 132 { tree_view_options(TreeOptions) }, 133 html([ \html_requires(css('httpdoc.css')), 134 \html_requires(pldoc), 135 \html_requires(js('api_test.js')), 136 div(id('http-tree'), \http_tree_view(TreeOptions)), 137 div(id('http-find'), \quick_find_div_content), 138 div(id('http-help'), \usage), 139 \script(Options), 140 \init_api_tester 141 ]). 142 143tree_view_options( 144[ labelClick('function(node) { helpNode(node) }') 145]). 146 147usage --> 148 html([ h4('Usage'), 149 p([ 'This page finds HTTP paths (locations) served by this ', 150 'server. You can find locations by browsing the hierarchy ', 151 'at the left or by entering a few characters from the ', 152 'path in the search box above. Autocompletion will show ', 153 'paths that contain the typed string.' 154 ]) 155 ]).
164script(Options) --> 165 { http_link_to_id(help_on_handler, [], Handler) 166 }, 167 html([ script(type('text/javascript'), 168 \[ 169'function helpNode(node)\n', 170'{', 171' helpHTTP(node.data.path);\n', 172'}\n\n', 173'function helpHTTP(path)\n', 174'{', 175' var callback =\n', 176' { success: function(o)\n', 177' {\n', 178'\t\tvar content = document.getElementById("http-help");\n', 179'\t\tcontent.innerHTML = o.responseText;\n', 180' }\n', 181' }\n', 182' var sUrl = "~w?location=" + encodeURIComponent(path);\n'-[Handler], 183' var transaction = YAHOO.util.Connect.asyncRequest("GET", sUrl, callback, null);\n', 184'}\n', 185 \start(Options) 186 ]) 187 ]). 188 189start(Options) --> 190 { option(location(Start), Options) 191 }, 192 !, 193 js_call(helpHTTP(Start)). 194start(_) --> [].
204help_on_handler(Request) :- 205 http_parameters(Request, 206 [ location(Path, 207 [ description('Location on this server to describe') 208 ]) 209 ]), 210 ( http_current_handler(Path, M:H, Options) 211 -> reply_html_page([], 212 [ h1(['HTTP location ', Path]), 213 \handler(Request, Path, M:H, Options) 214 ]) 215 ; reply_html_page([], 216 [ h4(['No handler for ', Path]) 217 ]) 218 ). 219 220handler(_Request, Path, _:http_redirect(How, Where), _Options) --> 221 !, 222 { Where = location_by_id(Id) 223 -> http_location_by_id(Id, URL) 224 ; http_absolute_location(Where, URL, [relative_to(Path)]) 225 }, 226 html(p([ 'Location redirects (using "', i(\status(How)), '") to ', 227 a([href('javascript:helpHTTP("'+URL+'")')], URL), 228 '.' 229 ])). 230handler(_Request, Path, _:http_reply_file(File, Options), _Options) --> 231 !, 232 file_handler(File, Path, Options). 233handler(Request, Path, Closure, Options) --> 234 { extend_closure(Closure, [_], Closure1), 235 extracted_parameters(Closure1, Params) 236 }, 237 html(h4('Implementation')), 238 predicate_help(Request, Closure1), 239 html(h4('Test this API')), 240 api_tester(Path, Params), 241 html(h4('Parameters for this API')), 242 parameter_table(Params), 243 dispatch_options(Options, Path). 244 245file_handler(Spec, Location, Options) --> 246 { ( absolute_file_name(Spec, Path, 247 [ access(read), 248 file_errors(fail) 249 ]) 250 -> true 251 ; Path = '<not found>' 252 ), 253 term_to_atom(Spec, SpecAtom), 254 default_options([cache(true)], Options, Options1) 255 }, 256 html([ p([ 'Location serves a plain file' ]), 257 table(class(file_handler), 258 [ tr([th('File:'), td(a(href(Location), Path))]), 259 tr([th('Symbolic:'), td(SpecAtom)]) 260 | \file_options(Options1) 261 ]) 262 ]). 263 264default_options([], Options, Options). 265default_options([H|T], Options0, Options) :- 266 functor(H, Name, 1), 267 functor(Gen, Name, 1), 268 ( option(Gen, Options0) 269 -> default_options(T, Options0, Options) 270 ; default_options(T, [H|Options0], Options) 271 ). 272 273file_options([]) --> []. 274file_options([H|T]) --> 275 file_option(H), 276 file_options(T). 277 278file_option(Name=Value) --> 279 !, 280 { Term =.. [Name, Value] }, 281 file_option(Term). 282file_option(cache(true)) --> 283 !, 284 html(tr([ th('Cache:'), 285 td(['Supports ', code('If-modified-since')]) 286 ])). 287file_option(mime_type(Type)) --> 288 !, 289 html(tr([ th('Mime-type'), td(Type) ])). 290file_option(_) --> 291 [].
299status(How) -->
300 { http_header:status_number(How, Code),
301 phrase(http_header:status_comment(How), CommentCodes),
302 atom_codes(Comment, CommentCodes)
303 },
304 html([Code, Comment]).
311predicate_help(Request, Closure) --> 312 { resolve_location(Closure, Closure1), 313 closure_pi(Closure1, PI), 314 edit_options(Request, Options) 315 }, 316 object_page(PI, 317 [ header(false) 318 | Options 319 ]), 320 !. 321predicate_help(_Request, Closure) --> 322 { closure_pi(Closure, PI) }, 323 html(p('The implementing predicate ~q is not documented'-[PI])). 324 325resolve_location(Closure, M:G) :- 326 predicate_property(Closure, imported_from(M)), 327 !, 328 strip_module(Closure, _, G). 329resolve_location(Closure, Closure).
.337edit_options(Request, [edit(true)]) :- 338 catch(http:authenticate(pldoc(edit), Request, _), _, fail), 339 !. 340edit_options(_, []).
347dispatch_options([], _) --> 348 []. 349dispatch_options(List, Path) --> 350 html([ h4('Notes'), 351 ul(class(http_options), 352 \dispatch_items(List, Path)) 353 ]). 354 355dispatch_items([], _) --> []. 356dispatch_items([H|T], Path) --> 357 dispatch_item(H, Path), 358 dispatch_items(T, Path). 359 360 361dispatch_item(prefix(true), Path) --> 362 !, 363 html(li(['Handler processes all paths that start with ', code(Path)])). 364dispatch_item(Option, _) --> 365 dispatch_item(Option), 366 !. 367 368dispatch_item(authentication(_)) --> 369 !, 370 html(li('Request requires authentication')). 371dispatch_item(time_limit(Limit)) --> 372 !, 373 ( { number(Limit) } 374 -> html(li('Server limits processing time to ~w seconds'-[Limit])) 375 ; [] 376 ). 377dispatch_item(chunked) --> 378 !, 379 html(li('Reply uses HTTP chunked encoding if possible')). 380dispatch_item(spawn(On)) --> 381 !, 382 ( {atom(On)} 383 -> html(li(['Requests are spawned on pool "', i(On), '"'])) 384 ; html(li('Requests are spawned on a new thread')) 385 ). 386dispatch_item(_) --> 387 [].
394parameter_table([]) --> 395 !, 396 html(p(class(http_parameters), 397 'Request does not handle parameters')). 398parameter_table(Params) --> 399 html([ table(class(http_parameters), 400 [ tr([th('Name'), th('Type'), th('Default'), th('Description')]) 401 | \parameters(Params, 1) 402 ]) 403 ]). 404 405parameters([], _) --> []. 406parameters([group(Members, Options)|T], _N) --> 407 !, 408 html(tr(class(group), 409 [ th(colspan(4), \group_title(Options)) 410 ])), 411 parameters(Members, 0), 412 % typically, this should be 413 % a group again 414 parameters(T, 0). 415parameters([H|T], N) --> 416 { N1 is N + 1, 417 ( N mod 2 =:= 0 418 -> Class = even 419 ; Class = odd 420 ) 421 }, 422 parameter(H, Class), 423 parameters(T, N1). 424 425parameter(param(Name, Options), Class) --> 426 html(tr(class(Class), 427 [ td(class(name), Name), 428 td(\param_type(Options)), 429 td(\param_default(Options)), 430 td(\param_description(Options)) 431 ])). 432 433group_title(Options) --> 434 { option(description(Title), Options) 435 }, 436 !, 437 html(Title). 438group_title(Options) --> 439 { option(generated(Pred), Options), 440 !, 441 ( doc_comment(Pred, _Pos, Summary0, _Comment) 442 -> ( atom_concat(Summary, '.', Summary0) 443 -> true 444 ; Summary = Summary0 445 ) 446 ; format(string(Summary), 'Parameter group generated by ~q', [Pred]) 447 ) 448 }, 449 html(Summary). 450group_title(_) --> 451 html('Parameter group').
457param_type(Options) --> 458 { select(list(Type), Options, Rest) }, 459 !, 460 param_type([Type|Rest]). 461param_type(Options) --> 462 { type_term(Type), 463 memberchk(Type, Options), ! 464 }, 465 type(Type). 466param_type(_) --> 467 html(string). 468 469type((T1;T2)) --> 470 !, 471 type(T1), 472 breaking_bar, 473 type(T2). 474type(between(L,H)) --> 475 !, 476 html('number in [~w..~w]'-[L,H]). 477type(oneof(Set)) --> 478 !, 479 html(code(\set(Set))). 480type(length > N) --> 481 !, 482 html('string(>~w chars)'-[N]). 483type(length >= N) --> 484 !, 485 html('string(>=~w chars)'-[N]). 486type(length > N) --> 487 !, 488 html('string(<~w chars)'-[N]). 489type(length =< N) --> 490 !, 491 html('string(=<~w chars)'-[N]). 492type(nonneg) --> 493 !, 494 html('integer in [0..)'). 495type(uri) --> 496 !, 497 html(['URI', \breaking_bar, 'NS:Local']). 498type(X) --> 499 { term_to_atom(X, A) }, 500 html(A). 501 502set([]) --> []. 503set([H|T]) --> 504 html(H), 505 ( { T == [] } 506 -> [] 507 ; breaking_bar, 508 set(T) 509 ).
516breaking_bar -->
517 html(['|', &('#8203')]).
525type_term(Term) :- 526 clause(http_parameters:check_type3(Term, _, _), _), 527 nonvar(Term). 528type_term(Term) :- 529 clause(http:convert_parameter(Term, _, _), _). 530type_term(Term) :- 531 clause(http_parameters:check_type2(Term, _), _), 532 nonvar(Term). 533 534param_default(Options) --> 535 { memberchk(default(Value), Options), ! 536 }, 537 html(code('~w'-[Value])). 538param_default(Options) --> 539 { option(optional(true), Options) }, 540 !, 541 html(i(optional)). 542param_default(Options) --> 543 { memberchk(zero_or_more, Options) 544 ; memberchk(list(_Type), Options) 545 }, 546 !, 547 html(i(multiple)). 548param_default(_Options) --> 549 html(i(required)). 550 551param_description(Options) --> 552 { option(description(Text), Options) }, 553 !, 554 html(Text). 555param_description(_) --> [].
563extracted_parameters(Closure, Declarations) :- 564 calls(Closure, 5, Goals), 565 closure_last_arg(Closure, Request), 566 phrase(param_decls(Goals, Request), Declarations0), 567 list_to_set(Declarations0, Declarations). 568 569param_decls([], _) --> 570 []. 571param_decls([H|T], Request) --> 572 param_decl(H, Request), 573 param_decls(T, Request). 574 575param_decl(Var, _) --> 576 { var(Var) }, 577 !. 578param_decl(M:http_parameters(Rq, Decls), Request) --> 579 !, 580 param_decl(M:http_parameters(Rq, Decls, []), Request). 581param_decl(M:http_parameters(Rq, Decls, Options), Request) --> 582 { ignore(Rq == Request), 583 !, 584 decl_goal(Options, M, Decl) 585 }, 586 params(Decls, Decl). 587param_decl(_, _) --> 588 []. 589 590decl_goal(Options, M, Module:Goal) :- 591 option(attribute_declarations(G), Options), 592 !, 593 strip_module(M:G, Module, Goal). 594decl_goal(_, _, -). 595 596:- meta_predicate 597 params( , , , ), 598 param( , , , ). 599 600params(V, _) --> 601 { var(V) }, 602 !. 603params([], _) --> 604 []. 605params([H|T], Decl) --> 606 param(H, Decl), 607 params(T, Decl). 608 609param(Term, _) --> 610 { \+ compound(Term) }, 611 !. 612param(group(Params0, Options), Decl) --> 613 !, 614 { phrase(params(Params0, Decl), GroupedParams) }, 615 [ group(GroupedParams, Options) ]. 616param(Term, _) --> 617 { Term =.. [Name, _Value, Options] }, 618 !, 619 [ param(Name, Options) ]. 620param(Term, Decl) --> 621 { Term =.. [Name, _Value], 622 catch(call(Decl, Name, Options), _, fail), ! 623 }, 624 [ param(Name, Options) ]. 625param(_, _) --> 626 []. 627 628 /******************************* 629 * CLOSURE LOGIC * 630 *******************************/
636extend_closure(Var, _, _) :- 637 var(Var), !, fail. 638extend_closure(M:C0, Extra, M:C) :- 639 !, 640 extend_closure(C0, Extra, C). 641extend_closure(C0, Extra, C) :- 642 C0 =.. L0, 643 append(L0, Extra, L), 644 C =.. L. 645 646closure_pi(M:C, M:Name/Arity) :- 647 !, 648 functor(C, Name, Arity). 649closure_pi(C, Name/Arity) :- 650 functor(C, Name, Arity). 651 652closure_last_arg(C, _) :- 653 var(C), 654 !, 655 instantiation_error(C). 656closure_last_arg(_:C, Last) :- 657 !, 658 closure_last_arg(C, Last). 659closure_last_arg(C, Last) :- 660 functor(C, _, Arity), 661 arg(Arity, C, Last). 662 663 664 /******************************* 665 * CALL-TREE ANALYSIS * 666 *******************************/
675:- meta_predicate 676 calls( , , ). 677 678calls(M:Goal, Depth, SubGoals) :- 679 phrase(calls(Goal, M, Depth, SubGoals0), SubGoals0), 680 !, 681 maplist(unqualify, SubGoals0, SubGoals). 682 683unqualify(Var, Var) :- 684 var(Var), 685 !. 686unqualify(S:G, G) :- 687 S == system, 688 !. 689unqualify(S:G, G) :- 690 predicate_property(S:G, imported_from(system)), 691 !. 692unqualify(G, G). 693 694calls(_, _, 0, _) --> !. 695calls(Var, _, _, _) --> 696 { var(Var), ! }, 697 [ Var ]. 698calls(Goal, M, _, Done) --> 699 { seen_goal(M:Goal, Done) }, 700 !. 701calls(M:G, _, D, Done) --> 702 !, 703 calls(G, M, D, Done). 704calls(Control, M, Depth, Done) --> 705 { control(Control, Members) 706 }, 707 !, 708 bodies(Members, M, Depth, Done). 709calls(Goal, M, _, _) --> 710 { evaluate_now(M:Goal), 711 !, 712 ignore(catch(M:Goal, _, fail)) 713 }, 714 []. 715calls(Goal, M, _, _) --> 716 { primitive(M:Goal) }, 717 !, 718 [ M:Goal ]. 719calls(Goal, M, Depth, Done) --> 720 { term_variables(Goal, Vars), 721 Key =.. [v|Vars], 722 '$define_predicate'(M:Goal), % auto-import if needed 723 def_module(M:Goal, DefM), 724 qualify_goal(DefM:Goal, M, QGoal), 725 catch(findall(Key-Body, clause(QGoal, Body), Pairs), _, fail), 726 SubDepth is Depth - 1 727 }, 728 [ M:Goal ], 729 vars_bodies(Pairs, DefM, SubDepth, Done), 730 { bind_vars(Key, Pairs) }. 731 732def_module(Callable, M) :- 733 predicate_property(Callable, imported_from(M)), 734 !. 735def_module(Callable, M) :- 736 strip_module(Callable, M, _). 737 738qualify_goal(M:G, Ctx, M:QG) :- 739 predicate_property(G, meta_predicate(Meta)), 740 !, 741 functor(Meta, Name, Arity), 742 functor(G, Name, Arity), 743 functor(QG, Name, Arity), 744 qualify_args(1, Arity, Ctx, Meta, G, QG). 745qualify_goal(G, _, G). 746 747qualify_args(I, Arity, Ctx, Meta, G, QG) :- 748 I =< Arity, 749 !, 750 arg(I, Meta, MA), 751 arg(I, G, GA), 752 ( ismeta(MA), 753 \+ isqual(GA) 754 -> arg(I, QG, Ctx:GA) 755 ; arg(I, QG, GA) 756 ), 757 I2 is I+1, 758 qualify_args(I2, Arity, Ctx, Meta, G, QG). 759qualify_args(_, _, _, _, _, _). 760 761ismeta(:). 762ismeta(I) :- integer(I). 763 764isqual(M:_) :- 765 atom(M). 766 767vars_bodies([], _, _, _) --> []. 768vars_bodies([_-Body|T], M, Depth, Done) --> 769 calls(Body, M, Depth, Done), 770 vars_bodies(T, M, Depth, Done). 771 772bodies([], _, _, _) --> []. 773bodies([H|T], M, Depth, Done) --> 774 calls(H, M, Depth, Done), 775 bodies(T, M, Depth, Done).
790bind_vars(Key, Pairs) :- 791 functor(Key, _, Arity), 792 bind_vars(1, Arity, Key, Pairs). 793 794bind_vars(I, Arity, Key, Pairs) :- 795 I =< Arity, 796 !, 797 arg(I, Key, V), 798 maplist(pair_arg(I), Pairs, Vars), 799 ignore(maplist(=(V), Vars)). 800bind_vars(_, _, _, _). 801 802pair_arg(I, Key-_, V) :- 803 arg(I, Key, V). 804 805control((A,B), [A,B]). 806control((A;B), [A,B]). 807control((A->B), [A,B]). 808control((A*->B), [A,B]). 809control(call(G, A1), [Goal]) :- 810 extend_closure(G, [A1], Goal). 811control(call(G, A1, A2), [Goal]) :- 812 extend_closure(G, [A1, A2], Goal). 813control(call(G, A1, A2, A3), [Goal]) :- 814 extend_closure(G, [A1, A2, A3], Goal). 815control(call(G, A1, A2, A3, A4), [Goal]) :- 816 extend_closure(G, [A1, A2, A3, A4], Goal). 817 818primitive(_:Goal) :- 819 functor(Goal, Name, Arity), 820 current_predicate(system:Name/Arity), 821 !. 822primitive(Goal) :- 823 \+ predicate_property(Goal, interpreted). 824 825seen_goal(Goal, Done) :- 826 member_open_list(X, Done), 827 variant(X, Goal), 828 !. 829 830member_open_list(_, List) :- 831 var(List), !, fail. 832member_open_list(X, [X|_]). 833member_open_list(X, [_|T]) :- 834 member_open_list(X, T).
, call Goal and propagate bindings that it produces
instead of unfolding its call-tree. This was introduced to deal
with extracted_parameters/2, which dynamically constructs
option-lists for http_parameters/3.
850:- multifile 851 evaluate/1. 852 853evaluate_now(Var) :- 854 var(Var), !, fail. 855evaluate_now(Goal) :- 856 evaluate(Goal), 857 !. 858evaluate_now(_:Goal) :- 859 evaluate_now(Goal). 860evaluate_now(_ = _). 861evaluate_now(_ is _). 862evaluate_now(append(L1,L2,_)) :- 863 is_list(L1), 864 is_list(L2). 865evaluate_now(append(L1,_)) :- 866 is_list(L1), 867 maplist(is_list, L1). 868 869 870 /******************************* 871 * AUTOCOMPLETE * 872 *******************************/ 873 874max_results_displayed(50). 875 876quick_find_div_content --> 877 html([ span(id(qf_label), 'Quick find:'), 878 \autocomplete_finder, 879 input([ value('Show'), type(submit), 880 onClick('showLocation();') 881 ]), 882 script(type('text/javascript'), 883 [ 'function showLocation()\n', 884 '{ helpHTTP(document.getElementById("ac_location_input").value);\n', 885 '}' 886 ]) 887 ]). 888 889autocomplete_finder --> 890 { max_results_displayed(Max) 891 }, 892 autocomplete(ac_location, 893 [ query_delay(0.2), 894 auto_highlight(false), 895 max_results_displayed(Max), 896 width('40ex') 897 ]).
912autocomplete(Handler, Options) --> 913 { http_location_by_id(Handler, Path), 914 atom_concat(Handler, '_complete', CompleteID), 915 atom_concat(Handler, '_input', InputID), 916 atom_concat(Handler, '_container', ContainerID), 917 select_option(width(Width), Options, Options1, '25em'), 918 select_option(name(Name), Options1, Options2, predicate), 919 select_option(value(Value), Options2, Options3, '') 920 }, 921 html([ \html_requires(yui('autocomplete/autocomplete.js')), 922 \html_requires(yui('autocomplete/assets/skins/sam/autocomplete.css')), 923 div(id(CompleteID), 924 [ input([ id(InputID), 925 name(Name), 926 value(Value), 927 type(text) 928 ]), 929 div(id(ContainerID), []) 930 ]), 931 style(type('text/css'), 932 [ '#', CompleteID, '\n', 933 '{ width:~w; padding-bottom:0em; display:inline-block; vertical-align:top}'-[Width] 934 ]), 935 \autocomplete_script(Path, InputID, ContainerID, Options3) 936 ]). 937 938autocomplete_script(HandlerID, Input, Container, Options) --> 939 { http_absolute_location(HandlerID, Path, []) 940 }, 941 html(script(type('text/javascript'), \[ 942'{ \n', 943' var oDS = new YAHOO.util.XHRDataSource("~w");\n'-[Path], 944' oDS.responseType = YAHOO.util.XHRDataSource.TYPE_JSON;\n', 945' oDS.responseSchema = { resultsList:"results", 946\t\t\t fields:["label","location"] 947\t\t\t};\n', 948' oDS.maxCacheEntries = 5;\n', 949' var oAC = new YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete("~w", "~w", oDS);\n'-[Input, Container], 950' oAC.resultTypeList = false;\n', 951' oAC.formatResult = function(oResultData, sQuery, sResultMatch) { 952 var into = "<span class=\\"acmatch\\">"+sQuery+"</span>"; 953 var sLabel = oResultData.label.replace(sQuery, into); 954 return sLabel; 955 };\n', 956' oAC.itemSelectEvent.subscribe(function(sType, aArgs) { 957 var oData = aArgs[2]; 958 helpHTTP(oData.location); 959 });\n', 960\ac_options(Options), 961'}\n' 962 ])). 963ac_options([]) --> 964 []. 965ac_options([H|T]) --> 966 ac_option(H), 967 ac_options(T). 968 969ac_option(query_delay(Time)) --> 970 !, 971 html([ ' oAC.queryDelay = ~w;\n'-[Time] ]). 972ac_option(auto_highlight(Bool)) --> 973 !, 974 html([ ' oAC.autoHighlight = ~w;\n'-[Bool] ]). 975ac_option(max_results_displayed(Max)) --> 976 html([ ' oAC.maxResultsDisplayed = ~w;\n'-[Max] ]). 977ac_option(O) --> 978 { domain_error(yui_autocomplete_option, O) }.
984ac_location(Request) :- 985 max_results_displayed(DefMax), 986 http_parameters(Request, 987 [ query(Query, [ description('String to find in HTTP path') ]), 988 maxResultsDisplayed(Max, 989 [ integer, default(DefMax), 990 description('Max number of results returned') 991 ]) 992 ]), 993 autocompletions(Query, Max, Count, Completions), 994 reply_json(json([ query = json([ count=Count 995 ]), 996 results = Completions 997 ])). 998 999autocompletions(Query, Max, Count, Completions) :- 1000 findall(C, ac_object(Query, C), Completions0), 1001 sort(Completions0, Completions1), 1002 length(Completions1, Count), 1003 first_n(Max, Completions1, Completions2), 1004 maplist(obj_result, Completions2, Completions). 1005 1006obj_result(Location, json([ label=Location, 1007 location=Location 1008 ])). 1009 1010first_n(0, _, []) :- !. 1011first_n(_, [], []) :- !. 1012first_n(N, [H|T0], [H|T]) :- 1013 N2 is N - 1, 1014 first_n(N2, T0, T). 1015 1016ac_object(Query, Location) :- 1017 http_current_handler(Location, _:_Handler, _Options), 1018 sub_atom(Location, _, _, _, Query)
Explore the running HTTP server
This module is part of the SWI-Prolog web-developent infrastructure. It documents the HTTP server using the reflexive capabilities of Prolog and the server infrastructure. Self-documentation is enabled by loading this module. The entry-point of this module is located at the HTTP location
, using the handler-identifierhttp_help
.In addition, this module provides the component page_documentation_link//1, which shows a small book linking from the displayed page to its documentation. */