1/* Part of SWI-Prolog 2 3 Author: Jan Wielemaker 4 E-mail: J.Wielemaker@vu.nl 5 WWW: http://www.swi-prolog.org 6 Copyright (c) 2005-2024, University of Amsterdam 7 VU University Amsterdam 8 CWI, Amsterdam 9 SWI-Prolog Solutions b.v. 10 All rights reserved. 11 12 Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without 13 modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions 14 are met: 15 16 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright 17 notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 18 19 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright 20 notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in 21 the documentation and/or other materials provided with the 22 distribution. 23 24 THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS 25 "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT 26 LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS 27 FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE 28 COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, 29 INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, 30 BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; 31 LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER 32 CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT 33 LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN 34 ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE 35 POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. 36*/ 37 38:- module(prolog_clause, 39 [ clause_info/4, % +ClauseRef, -File, -TermPos, -VarNames 40 clause_info/5, % +ClauseRef, -File, -TermPos, -VarNames, 41 % +Options 42 initialization_layout/4, % +SourceLoc, +Goal, -Term, -TermPos 43 predicate_name/2, % +Head, -Name 44 clause_name/2 % +ClauseRef, -Name 45 ]). 46:- use_module(library(debug),[debugging/1,debug/3]). 47:- autoload(library(listing),[portray_clause/1]). 48:- autoload(library(lists),[append/3]). 49:- autoload(library(occurs),[sub_term/2]). 50:- autoload(library(option),[option/3]). 51:- autoload(library(prolog_source),[read_source_term_at_location/3]). 52 53 54:- public % called from library(trace/clause) 55 unify_term/2, 56 make_varnames/5, 57 do_make_varnames/3. 58 59:- multifile 60 unify_goal/5, % +Read, +Decomp, +M, +Pos, -Pos 61 unify_clause_hook/5, 62 make_varnames_hook/5, 63 open_source/2. % +Input, -Stream 64 65:- predicate_options(prolog_clause:clause_info/5, 5, 66 [ head(-any), 67 body(-any), 68 variable_names(-list) 69 ]).
Note that positions are character positions, i.e., not
bytes. Line endings count as a single character, regardless of
whether the actual ending is \n
or =|\r\n|_.
Defined options are:
109clause_info(ClauseRef, File, TermPos, NameOffset) :- 110 clause_info(ClauseRef, File, TermPos, NameOffset, []). 111 112clause_info(ClauseRef, File, TermPos, NameOffset, Options) :- 113 ( debugging(clause_info) 114 -> clause_name(ClauseRef, Name), 115 debug(clause_info, 'clause_info(~w) (~w)... ', 116 [ClauseRef, Name]) 117 ; true 118 ), 119 clause_property(ClauseRef, file(File)), 120 File \== user, % loaded using ?- [user]. 121 '$clause'(Head0, Body, ClauseRef, VarOffset), 122 option(head(Head0), Options, _), 123 option(body(Body), Options, _), 124 ( module_property(Module, file(File)) 125 -> true 126 ; strip_module(user:Head0, Module, _) 127 ), 128 unqualify(Head0, Module, Head), 129 ( Body == true 130 -> DecompiledClause = Head 131 ; DecompiledClause = (Head :- Body) 132 ), 133 clause_property(ClauseRef, line_count(LineNo)), 134 debug(clause_info, 'from ~w:~d ... ', [File, LineNo]), 135 read_term_at_line(File, LineNo, Module, Clause, TermPos0, VarNames), 136 option(variable_names(VarNames), Options, _), 137 debug(clause_info, 'read ...', []), 138 unify_clause(Clause, DecompiledClause, Module, TermPos0, TermPos), 139 debug(clause_info, 'unified ...', []), 140 make_varnames(Clause, DecompiledClause, VarOffset, VarNames, NameOffset), 141 debug(clause_info, 'got names~n', []), 142 !. 143 144unqualify(Module:Head, Module, Head) :- 145 !. 146unqualify(Head, _, Head).
NOTE: Called directly from library(trace/clause)
for the GUI
160unify_term(X, X) :- !. 161unify_term(X1, X2) :- 162 compound(X1), 163 compound(X2), 164 functor(X1, F, Arity), 165 functor(X2, F, Arity), 166 !, 167 unify_args(0, Arity, X1, X2). 168unify_term(X, Y) :- 169 float(X), float(Y), 170 !. 171unify_term(X, '$BLOB'(_)) :- 172 blob(X, _), 173 \+ atom(X). 174unify_term(X, Y) :- 175 string(X), 176 is_list(Y), 177 string_codes(X, Y), 178 !. 179unify_term(_, Y) :- 180 Y == '...', 181 !. % elipses left by max_depth 182unify_term(_:X, Y) :- 183 unify_term(X, Y), 184 !. 185unify_term(X, _:Y) :- 186 unify_term(X, Y), 187 !. 188unify_term(X, Y) :- 189 format('[INTERNAL ERROR: Diff:~n'), 190 portray_clause(X), 191 format('~N*** <->~n'), 192 portray_clause(Y), 193 break. 194 195unify_args(N, N, _, _) :- !. 196unify_args(I, Arity, T1, T2) :- 197 A is I + 1, 198 arg(A, T1, A1), 199 arg(A, T2, A2), 200 unify_term(A1, A2), 201 unify_args(A, Arity, T1, T2).
209read_term_at_line(File, Line, Module, Clause, TermPos, VarNames) :- 210 setup_call_cleanup( 211 '$push_input_context'(clause_info), 212 read_term_at_line_2(File, Line, Module, Clause, TermPos, VarNames), 213 '$pop_input_context'). 214 215read_term_at_line_2(File, Line, Module, Clause, TermPos, VarNames) :- 216 catch(try_open_source(File, In), error(_,_), fail), 217 set_stream(In, newline(detect)), 218 call_cleanup( 219 read_source_term_at_location( 220 In, Clause, 221 [ line(Line), 222 module(Module), 223 subterm_positions(TermPos), 224 variable_names(VarNames) 225 ]), 226 close(In)).
clause_property(ClauseRef, file(File)), prolog_clause:open_source(File, Stream)
239:- public try_open_source/2. % used by library(prolog_breakpoints). 240 241try_open_source(File, In) :- 242 open_source(File, In), 243 !. 244try_open_source(File, In) :- 245 open(File, read, In, [reposition(true)]).
where each argument contains the name
of the variable at that offset. If the read Clause is a DCG rule,
name the two last arguments <DCG_list> and <DCG_tail>
This predicate calles the multifile predicate make_varnames_hook/5 with the same arguments to allow for user extensions. Extending this predicate is needed if a compiler adds additional arguments to the clause head that must be made visible in the GUI tracer.
264make_varnames(ReadClause, DecompiledClause, Offsets, Names, Term) :- 265 make_varnames_hook(ReadClause, DecompiledClause, Offsets, Names, Term), 266 !. 267make_varnames(ReadClause, _, Offsets, Names, Bindings) :- 268 dcg_head(ReadClause, Head), 269 !, 270 functor(Head, _, Arity), 271 In is Arity, 272 memberchk(In=IVar, Offsets), 273 Names1 = ['<DCG_list>'=IVar|Names], 274 Out is Arity + 1, 275 memberchk(Out=OVar, Offsets), 276 Names2 = ['<DCG_tail>'=OVar|Names1], 277 make_varnames(xx, xx, Offsets, Names2, Bindings). 278make_varnames(_, _, Offsets, Names, Bindings) :- 279 length(Offsets, L), 280 functor(Bindings, varnames, L), 281 do_make_varnames(Offsets, Names, Bindings). 282 283dcg_head((Head,_ --> _Body), Head). 284dcg_head((Head --> _Body), Head). 285dcg_head((Head,_ ==> _Body), Head). 286dcg_head((Head ==> _Body), Head). 287 288do_make_varnames([], _, _). 289do_make_varnames([N=Var|TO], Names, Bindings) :- 290 ( find_varname(Var, Names, Name) 291 -> true 292 ; Name = '_' 293 ), 294 AN is N + 1, 295 arg(AN, Bindings, Name), 296 do_make_varnames(TO, Names, Bindings). 297 298find_varname(Var, [Name = TheVar|_], Name) :- 299 Var == TheVar, 300 !. 301find_varname(Var, [_|T], Name) :- 302 find_varname(Var, T, Name).
This predicate calls the multifile predicate unify_clause_hook/5 with the same arguments to support user extensions.
325unify_clause(Read, _, _, _, _) :- 326 var(Read), 327 !, 328 fail. 329unify_clause((RHead :- RBody), (CHead :- CBody), Module, TermPos1, TermPos) :- 330 '$expand':f2_pos(TermPos1, HPos, BPos1, 331 TermPos2, HPos, BPos2), 332 inlined_unification(RBody, CBody, RBody1, CBody1, RHead, 333 BPos1, BPos2), 334 RBody1 \== RBody, 335 !, 336 unify_clause2((RHead :- RBody1), (CHead :- CBody1), Module, 337 TermPos2, TermPos). 338unify_clause(Read, Decompiled, _, TermPos, TermPos) :- 339 Read =@= Decompiled, 340 !, 341 Read = Decompiled. 342unify_clause(Read, Decompiled, Module, TermPos0, TermPos) :- 343 unify_clause_hook(Read, Decompiled, Module, TermPos0, TermPos), 344 !. 345 % XPCE send-methods 346unify_clause(:->(Head, Body), (PlHead :- PlBody), M, TermPos0, TermPos) :- 347 !, 348 pce_method_clause(Head, Body, PlHead, PlBody, M, TermPos0, TermPos). 349 % XPCE get-methods 350unify_clause(:<-(Head, Body), (PlHead :- PlBody), M, TermPos0, TermPos) :- 351 !, 352 pce_method_clause(Head, Body, PlHead, PlBody, M, TermPos0, TermPos). 353 % Unit test clauses 354unify_clause((TH :- RBody), (CH :- !, CBody), Module, TP0, TP) :- 355 plunit_source_head(TH), 356 plunit_compiled_head(CH), 357 !, 358 TP0 = term_position(F,T,FF,FT,[HP,BP0]), 359 ubody(RBody, CBody, Module, BP0, BP), 360 TP = term_position(F,T,FF,FT,[HP,term_position(0,0,0,0,[FF-FT,BP])]). 361 % module:head :- body 362unify_clause((Head :- Read), 363 (Head :- _M:Compiled), Module, TermPos0, TermPos) :- 364 unify_clause2((Head :- Read), (Head :- Compiled), Module, TermPos0, TermPos1), 365 TermPos1 = term_position(TA,TZ,FA,FZ,[PH,PB]), 366 TermPos = term_position(TA,TZ,FA,FZ, 367 [ PH, 368 term_position(0,0,0,0,[0-0,PB]) 369 ]). 370 % DCG rules 371unify_clause(Read, Compiled1, Module, TermPos0, TermPos) :- 372 Read = (_ --> Terminal, _), 373 is_list(Terminal), 374 ci_expand(Read, Compiled2, Module, TermPos0, TermPos1), 375 Compiled2 = (DH :- _), 376 functor(DH, _, Arity), 377 DArg is Arity - 1, 378 append(Terminal, _Tail, List), 379 arg(DArg, DH, List), 380 TermPos1 = term_position(F,T,FF,FT,[ HP, 381 term_position(_,_,_,_,[_,BP]) 382 ]), 383 !, 384 TermPos2 = term_position(F,T,FF,FT,[ HP, BP ]), 385 match_module(Compiled2, Compiled1, Module, TermPos2, TermPos). 386 % SSU rules 387unify_clause((Head,RCond => Body), (CHead :- CCondAndBody), Module, 388 term_position(F,T,FF,FT, 389 [ term_position(_,_,_,_,[HP,CP]), 390 BP 391 ]), 392 TermPos) :- 393 split_on_cut(CCondAndBody, CCond, CBody0), 394 !, 395 inlined_unification(RCond, CCond, RCond1, CCond1, Head, CP, CP1), 396 TermPos1 = term_position(F,T,FF,FT, [HP, BP1]), 397 BP2 = term_position(_,_,_,_, [FF-FT, BP]), % Represent (!, Body), placing 398 ( CCond1 == true % ! at => 399 -> BP1 = BP2, % Whole guard is inlined 400 unify_clause2((Head :- !, Body), (CHead :- !, CBody0), 401 Module, TermPos1, TermPos) 402 ; mkconj_pos(RCond1, CP1, (!,Body), BP2, RBody, BP1), 403 mkconj_npos(CCond1, (!,CBody0), CBody), 404 unify_clause2((Head :- RBody), (CHead :- CBody), 405 Module, TermPos1, TermPos) 406 ). 407unify_clause((Head => Body), Compiled1, Module, TermPos0, TermPos) :- 408 !, 409 unify_clause2((Head :- Body), Compiled1, Module, TermPos0, TermPos). 410unify_clause(Read, Compiled1, Module, TermPos0, TermPos) :- 411 Read = (_ ==> _), 412 ci_expand(Read, Compiled2, Module, TermPos0, TermPos1), 413 Compiled2 \= (_ ==> _), 414 !, 415 unify_clause(Compiled2, Compiled1, Module, TermPos1, TermPos). 416unify_clause(Read, Decompiled, Module, TermPos0, TermPos) :- 417 unify_clause2(Read, Decompiled, Module, TermPos0, TermPos). 418 419% mkconj, but also unify position info 420mkconj_pos((A,B), term_position(F,T,FF,FT,[PA,PB]), Ex, ExPos, Code, Pos) => 421 Code = (A,B1), 422 Pos = term_position(F,T,FF,FT,[PA,PB1]), 423 mkconj_pos(B, PB, Ex, ExPos, B1, PB1). 424mkconj_pos(Last, LastPos, Ex, ExPos, Code, Pos) => 425 Code = (Last,Ex), 426 Pos = term_position(_,_,_,_,[LastPos,ExPos]). 427 428% similar to mkconj, but we should __not__ optimize `true` away. 429mkconj_npos((A,B), Ex, Code) => 430 Code = (A,B1), 431 mkconj_npos(B, Ex, B1). 432mkconj_npos(A, Ex, Code) => 433 Code = (A,Ex).
439unify_clause2(Read, Decompiled, _, TermPos, TermPos) :- 440 Read =@= Decompiled, 441 !, 442 Read = Decompiled. 443unify_clause2(Read, Compiled1, Module, TermPos0, TermPos) :- 444 ci_expand(Read, Compiled2, Module, TermPos0, TermPos1), 445 match_module(Compiled2, Compiled1, Module, TermPos1, TermPos). 446 % I don't know ... 447unify_clause2(_, _, _, _, _) :- 448 debug(clause_info, 'Could not unify clause', []), 449 fail. 450 451unify_clause_head(H1, H2) :- 452 strip_module(H1, _, H), 453 strip_module(H2, _, H). 454 455plunit_source_head(test(_,_)) => true. 456plunit_source_head(test(_)) => true. 457plunit_source_head(_) => fail. 458 459plunit_compiled_head(_:'unit body'(_, _)) => true. 460plunit_compiled_head('unit body'(_, _)) => true. 461plunit_compiled_head(_) => fail.
468inlined_unification((V=T,RBody0), (CV=CT,CBody0), 469 RBody, CBody, RHead, BPos1, BPos), 470 inlineable_head_var(RHead, V2), 471 V == V2, 472 (V=T) =@= (CV=CT) => 473 argpos(2, BPos1, BPos2), 474 inlined_unification(RBody0, CBody0, RBody, CBody, RHead, BPos2, BPos). 475inlined_unification((V=T), (CV=CT), 476 RBody, CBody, RHead, BPos1, BPos), 477 inlineable_head_var(RHead, V2), 478 V == V2, 479 (V=T) =@= (CV=CT) => 480 RBody = true, 481 CBody = true, 482 argpos(2, BPos1, BPos). 483inlined_unification((V=T,RBody0), CBody0, 484 RBody, CBody, RHead, BPos1, BPos), 485 inlineable_head_var(RHead, V2), 486 V == V2, 487 \+ (CBody0 = (G1,_), G1 =@= (V=T)) => 488 argpos(2, BPos1, BPos2), 489 inlined_unification(RBody0, CBody0, RBody, CBody, RHead, BPos2, BPos). 490inlined_unification((V=_), true, 491 RBody, CBody, RHead, BPos1, BPos), 492 inlineable_head_var(RHead, V2), 493 V == V2 => 494 RBody = true, 495 CBody = true, 496 argpos(2, BPos1, BPos). 497inlined_unification(RBody0, CBody0, RBody, CBody, _RHead, 498 BPos0, BPos) => 499 RBody = RBody0, 500 BPos = BPos0, 501 CBody = CBody0.
508inlineable_head_var(Head, Var) :- 509 compound(Head), 510 arg(_, Head, Var). 511 512split_on_cut((Cond0,!,Body0), Cond, Body) => 513 Cond = Cond0, 514 Body = Body0. 515split_on_cut((!,Body0), Cond, Body) => 516 Cond = true, 517 Body = Body0. 518split_on_cut((A,B), Cond, Body) => 519 Cond = (A,Cond1), 520 split_on_cut(B, Cond1, Body). 521split_on_cut(_, _, _) => 522 fail. 523 524ci_expand(Read, Compiled, Module, TermPos0, TermPos) :- 525 catch(setup_call_cleanup( 526 ( set_xref_flag(OldXRef), 527 '$set_source_module'(Old, Module) 528 ), 529 expand_term(Read, TermPos0, Compiled, TermPos), 530 ( '$set_source_module'(Old), 531 set_prolog_flag(xref, OldXRef) 532 )), 533 E, 534 expand_failed(E, Read)), 535 compound(TermPos), % make sure somthing is filled. 536 arg(1, TermPos, A1), nonvar(A1), 537 arg(2, TermPos, A2), nonvar(A2). 538 539set_xref_flag(Value) :- 540 current_prolog_flag(xref, Value), 541 !, 542 set_prolog_flag(xref, true). 543set_xref_flag(false) :- 544 create_prolog_flag(xref, true, [type(boolean)]). 545 546match_module((H1 :- B1), (H2 :- B2), Module, Pos0, Pos) :- 547 !, 548 unify_clause_head(H1, H2), 549 unify_body(B1, B2, Module, Pos0, Pos). 550match_module((H1 :- B1), H2, _Module, Pos0, Pos) :- 551 B1 == true, 552 unify_clause_head(H1, H2), 553 Pos = Pos0, 554 !. 555match_module(H1, H2, _, Pos, Pos) :- % deal with facts 556 unify_clause_head(H1, H2).
562expand_failed(E, Read) :-
563 debugging(clause_info),
564 message_to_string(E, Msg),
565 debug(clause_info, 'Term-expand ~p failed: ~w', [Read, Msg]),
566 fail.
Pos0 and Pos still include the term-position of the head.
575unify_body(B, C, _, Pos, Pos) :- 576 B =@= C, B = C, 577 does_not_dcg_after_binding(B, Pos), 578 !. 579unify_body(R, D, Module, 580 term_position(F,T,FF,FT,[HP,BP0]), 581 term_position(F,T,FF,FT,[HP,BP])) :- 582 ubody(R, D, Module, BP0, BP).
592does_not_dcg_after_binding(B, Pos) :- 593 \+ sub_term(brace_term_position(_,_,_), Pos), 594 \+ (sub_term((Cut,_=_), B), Cut == !), 595 !. 596 597 598/* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 599Some remarks. 600 601a --> { x, y, z }. 602 This is translated into "(x,y),z), X=Y" by the DCG translator, after 603 which the compiler creates "a(X,Y) :- x, y, z, X=Y". 604- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
619ubody(B, DB, _, P, P) :- 620 var(P), % TBD: Create compatible pos term? 621 !, 622 B = DB. 623ubody(B, C, _, P, P) :- 624 B =@= C, B = C, 625 does_not_dcg_after_binding(B, P), 626 !. 627ubody(X0, X, M, parentheses_term_position(_, _, P0), P) :- 628 !, 629 ubody(X0, X, M, P0, P). 630ubody(X, Y, _, % X = call(X) 631 Pos, 632 term_position(From, To, From, To, [Pos])) :- 633 nonvar(Y), 634 Y = call(X), 635 !, 636 arg(1, Pos, From), 637 arg(2, Pos, To). 638ubody(A, B, _, P1, P2) :- 639 nonvar(A), A = (_=_), 640 nonvar(B), B = (LB=RB), 641 A =@= (RB=LB), 642 !, 643 P1 = term_position(F,T, FF,FT, [PL,PR]), 644 P2 = term_position(F,T, FF,FT, [PR,PL]). 645ubody(A, B, _, P1, P2) :- 646 nonvar(A), A = (_==_), 647 nonvar(B), B = (LB==RB), 648 A =@= (RB==LB), 649 !, 650 P1 = term_position(F,T, FF,FT, [PL,PR]), 651 P2 = term_position(F,T, FF,FT, [PR,PL]). 652ubody(B, D, _, term_position(_,_,_,_,[_,RP]), TPOut) :- 653 nonvar(B), B = M:R, 654 ubody(R, D, M, RP, TPOut). 655ubody(B, D, M, term_position(_,_,_,_,[RP0,RP1]), TPOut) :- 656 nonvar(B), B = (B0,B1), 657 ( maybe_optimized(B0), 658 ubody(B1, D, M, RP1, TPOut) 659 -> true 660 ; maybe_optimized(B1), 661 ubody(B0, D, M, RP0, TPOut) 662 ), 663 !. 664ubody(B0, B, M, 665 brace_term_position(F,T,A0), 666 Pos) :- 667 B0 = (_,_=_), 668 !, 669 T1 is T - 1, 670 ubody(B0, B, M, 671 term_position(F,T, 672 F,T, 673 [A0,T1-T]), 674 Pos). 675ubody(B0, B, M, 676 brace_term_position(F,T,A0), 677 term_position(F,T,F,T,[A])) :- 678 !, 679 ubody(B0, B, M, A0, A). 680ubody(C0, C, M, P0, P) :- 681 nonvar(C0), nonvar(C), 682 C0 = (_,_), C = (_,_), 683 !, 684 conj(C0, P0, GL, PL), 685 mkconj(C, M, P, GL, PL). 686ubody(Read, Decompiled, Module, TermPosRead, TermPosDecompiled) :- 687 unify_goal(Read, Decompiled, Module, TermPosRead, TermPosDecompiled), 688 !. 689ubody(X0, X, M, 690 term_position(F,T,FF,TT,PA0), 691 term_position(F,T,FF,TT,PA)) :- 692 callable(X0), 693 callable(X), 694 meta(M, X0, S), 695 !, 696 X0 =.. [_|A0], 697 X =.. [_|A], 698 S =.. [_|AS], 699 ubody_list(A0, A, AS, M, PA0, PA). 700ubody(X0, X, M, 701 term_position(F,T,FF,TT,PA0), 702 term_position(F,T,FF,TT,PA)) :- 703 expand_goal(X0, X1, M, PA0, PA), 704 X1 =@= X, 705 X1 = X. 706 707 % 5.7.X optimizations 708ubody(_=_, true, _, % singleton = Any 709 term_position(F,T,_FF,_TT,_PA), 710 F-T) :- !. 711ubody(_==_, fail, _, % singleton/firstvar == Any 712 term_position(F,T,_FF,_TT,_PA), 713 F-T) :- !. 714ubody(A1=B1, B2=A2, _, % Term = Var --> Var = Term 715 term_position(F,T,FF,TT,[PA1,PA2]), 716 term_position(F,T,FF,TT,[PA2,PA1])) :- 717 var(B1), var(B2), 718 (A1==B1) =@= (B2==A2), 719 !, 720 A1 = A2, B1=B2. 721ubody(A1==B1, B2==A2, _, % const == Var --> Var == const 722 term_position(F,T,FF,TT,[PA1,PA2]), 723 term_position(F,T,FF,TT,[PA2,PA1])) :- 724 var(B1), var(B2), 725 (A1==B1) =@= (B2==A2), 726 !, 727 A1 = A2, B1=B2. 728ubody(A is B - C, A is B + C2, _, Pos, Pos) :- 729 integer(C), 730 C2 =:= -C, 731 !. 732 733ubody_list([], [], [], _, [], []). 734ubody_list([G0|T0], [G|T], [AS|ASL], M, [PA0|PAT0], [PA|PAT]) :- 735 ubody_elem(AS, G0, G, M, PA0, PA), 736 ubody_list(T0, T, ASL, M, PAT0, PAT). 737 738ubody_elem(0, G0, G, M, PA0, PA) :- 739 !, 740 ubody(G0, G, M, PA0, PA). 741ubody_elem(_, G, G, _, PA, PA).
748conj(Goal, Pos, GoalList, PosList) :- 749 conj(Goal, Pos, GoalList, [], PosList, []). 750 751conj((A,B), term_position(_,_,_,_,[PA,PB]), GL, TG, PL, TP) :- 752 !, 753 conj(A, PA, GL, TGA, PL, TPA), 754 conj(B, PB, TGA, TG, TPA, TP). 755conj((A,B), brace_term_position(_,T,PA), GL, TG, PL, TP) :- 756 B = (_=_), 757 !, 758 conj(A, PA, GL, TGA, PL, TPA), 759 T1 is T - 1, 760 conj(B, T1-T, TGA, TG, TPA, TP). 761conj(A, parentheses_term_position(_,_,Pos), GL, TG, PL, TP) :- 762 nonvar(Pos), 763 !, 764 conj(A, Pos, GL, TG, PL, TP). 765conj((!,(S=SR)), F-T, [!,S=SR|TG], TG, [F-T,F1-T1|TP], TP) :- 766 F1 is F+1, 767 T1 is T+1. 768conj(A, P, [A|TG], TG, [P|TP], TP).
773mkconj(Goal, M, Pos, GoalList, PosList) :- 774 mkconj(Goal, M, Pos, GoalList, [], PosList, []). 775 776mkconj(Conj, M, term_position(0,0,0,0,[PA,PB]), GL, TG, PL, TP) :- 777 nonvar(Conj), 778 Conj = (A,B), 779 !, 780 mkconj(A, M, PA, GL, TGA, PL, TPA), 781 mkconj(B, M, PB, TGA, TG, TPA, TP). 782mkconj(A0, M, P0, [A|TG], TG, [P|TP], TP) :- 783 ubody(A, A0, M, P, P0), 784 !. 785mkconj(A0, M, P0, [RG|TG0], TG, [_|TP0], TP) :- 786 maybe_optimized(RG), 787 mkconj(A0, M, P0, TG0, TG, TP0, TP). 788 789maybe_optimized(debug(_,_,_)). 790maybe_optimized(assertion(_)). 791maybe_optimized(true).
797argpos(N, parentheses_term_position(_,_,PosIn), Pos) => 798 argpos(N, PosIn, Pos). 799argpos(N, term_position(_,_,_,_,ArgPos), Pos) => 800 nth1(N, ArgPos, Pos). 801argpos(_, _, _) => true. 802 803 804 /******************************* 805 * PCE STUFF (SHOULD MOVE) * 806 *******************************/ 807 808/* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 809 <method>(Receiver, ... Arg ...) :-> 810 Body 811 812mapped to: 813 814 send_implementation(Id, <method>(...Arg...), Receiver) 815 816- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */ 817 818pce_method_clause(Head, Body, M:PlHead, PlBody, _, TermPos0, TermPos) :- 819 !, 820 pce_method_clause(Head, Body, PlBody, PlHead, M, TermPos0, TermPos). 821pce_method_clause(Head, Body, 822 send_implementation(_Id, Msg, Receiver), PlBody, 823 M, TermPos0, TermPos) :- 824 !, 825 debug(clause_info, 'send method ...', []), 826 arg(1, Head, Receiver), 827 functor(Head, _, Arity), 828 pce_method_head_arguments(2, Arity, Head, Msg), 829 debug(clause_info, 'head ...', []), 830 pce_method_body(Body, PlBody, M, TermPos0, TermPos). 831pce_method_clause(Head, Body, 832 get_implementation(_Id, Msg, Receiver, Result), PlBody, 833 M, TermPos0, TermPos) :- 834 !, 835 debug(clause_info, 'get method ...', []), 836 arg(1, Head, Receiver), 837 debug(clause_info, 'receiver ...', []), 838 functor(Head, _, Arity), 839 arg(Arity, Head, PceResult), 840 debug(clause_info, '~w?~n', [PceResult = Result]), 841 pce_unify_head_arg(PceResult, Result), 842 Ar is Arity - 1, 843 pce_method_head_arguments(2, Ar, Head, Msg), 844 debug(clause_info, 'head ...', []), 845 pce_method_body(Body, PlBody, M, TermPos0, TermPos). 846 847pce_method_head_arguments(N, Arity, Head, Msg) :- 848 N =< Arity, 849 !, 850 arg(N, Head, PceArg), 851 PLN is N - 1, 852 arg(PLN, Msg, PlArg), 853 pce_unify_head_arg(PceArg, PlArg), 854 debug(clause_info, '~w~n', [PceArg = PlArg]), 855 NextArg is N+1, 856 pce_method_head_arguments(NextArg, Arity, Head, Msg). 857pce_method_head_arguments(_, _, _, _). 858 859pce_unify_head_arg(V, A) :- 860 var(V), 861 !, 862 V = A. 863pce_unify_head_arg(A:_=_, A) :- !. 864pce_unify_head_arg(A:_, A). 865 866% pce_method_body(+SrcBody, +DbBody, +M, +TermPos0, -TermPos 867% 868% Unify the body of an XPCE method. Goal-expansion makes this 869% rather tricky, especially as we cannot call XPCE's expansion 870% on an isolated method. 871% 872% TermPos0 is the term-position term of the whole clause! 873% 874% Further, please note that the body of the method-clauses reside 875% in another module than pce_principal, and therefore the body 876% starts with an I_CONTEXT call. This implies we need a 877% hypothetical term-position for the module-qualifier. 878 879pce_method_body(A0, A, M, TermPos0, TermPos) :- 880 TermPos0 = term_position(F, T, FF, FT, 881 [ HeadPos, 882 BodyPos0 883 ]), 884 TermPos = term_position(F, T, FF, FT, 885 [ HeadPos, 886 term_position(0,0,0,0, [0-0,BodyPos]) 887 ]), 888 pce_method_body2(A0, A, M, BodyPos0, BodyPos). 889 890 891pce_method_body2(::(_,A0), A, M, TermPos0, TermPos) :- 892 !, 893 TermPos0 = term_position(_, _, _, _, [_Cmt,BodyPos0]), 894 TermPos = BodyPos, 895 expand_goal(A0, A, M, BodyPos0, BodyPos). 896pce_method_body2(A0, A, M, TermPos0, TermPos) :- 897 A0 =.. [Func,B0,C0], 898 control_op(Func), 899 !, 900 A =.. [Func,B,C], 901 TermPos0 = term_position(F, T, FF, FT, 902 [ BP0, 903 CP0 904 ]), 905 TermPos = term_position(F, T, FF, FT, 906 [ BP, 907 CP 908 ]), 909 pce_method_body2(B0, B, M, BP0, BP), 910 expand_goal(C0, C, M, CP0, CP). 911pce_method_body2(A0, A, M, TermPos0, TermPos) :- 912 expand_goal(A0, A, M, TermPos0, TermPos). 913 914control_op(','). 915control_op((;)). 916control_op((->)). 917control_op((*->)). 918 919 /******************************* 920 * EXPAND_GOAL SUPPORT * 921 *******************************/ 922 923/* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 924With the introduction of expand_goal, it is increasingly hard to relate 925the clause from the database to the actual source. For one thing, we do 926not know the compilation module of the clause (unless we want to 927decompile it). 928 929Goal expansion can translate goals into control-constructs, multiple 930clauses, or delete a subgoal. 931 932To keep track of the source-locations, we have to redo the analysis of 933the clause as defined in init.pl 934- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */ 935 936expand_goal(G, call(G), _, P, term_position(0,0,0,0,[P])) :- 937 var(G), 938 !. 939expand_goal(G, G1, _, P, P) :- 940 var(G), 941 !, 942 G1 = G. 943expand_goal(M0, M, Module, P0, P) :- 944 meta(Module, M0, S), 945 !, 946 P0 = term_position(F,T,FF,FT,PL0), 947 P = term_position(F,T,FF,FT,PL), 948 functor(M0, Functor, Arity), 949 functor(M, Functor, Arity), 950 expand_meta_args(PL0, PL, 1, S, Module, M0, M). 951expand_goal(A, B, Module, P0, P) :- 952 goal_expansion(A, B0, P0, P1), 953 !, 954 expand_goal(B0, B, Module, P1, P). 955expand_goal(A, A, _, P, P). 956 957expand_meta_args([], [], _, _, _, _, _). 958expand_meta_args([P0|T0], [P|T], I, S, Module, M0, M) :- 959 arg(I, M0, A0), 960 arg(I, M, A), 961 arg(I, S, AS), 962 expand_arg(AS, A0, A, Module, P0, P), 963 NI is I + 1, 964 expand_meta_args(T0, T, NI, S, Module, M0, M). 965 966expand_arg(0, A0, A, Module, P0, P) :- 967 !, 968 expand_goal(A0, A, Module, P0, P). 969expand_arg(_, A, A, _, P, P). 970 971meta(M, G, S) :- predicate_property(M:G, meta_predicate(S)). 972 973goal_expansion(send(R, Msg), send_class(R, _, SuperMsg), P, P) :- 974 compound(Msg), 975 Msg =.. [send_super, Selector | Args], 976 !, 977 SuperMsg =.. [Selector|Args]. 978goal_expansion(get(R, Msg, A), get_class(R, _, SuperMsg, A), P, P) :- 979 compound(Msg), 980 Msg =.. [get_super, Selector | Args], 981 !, 982 SuperMsg =.. [Selector|Args]. 983goal_expansion(send_super(R, Msg), send_class(R, _, Msg), P, P). 984goal_expansion(get_super(R, Msg, V), get_class(R, _, Msg, V), P, P). 985goal_expansion(SendSuperN, send_class(R, _, Msg), P, P) :- 986 compound(SendSuperN), 987 compound_name_arguments(SendSuperN, send_super, [R,Sel|Args]), 988 Msg =.. [Sel|Args]. 989goal_expansion(SendN, send(R, Msg), P, P) :- 990 compound(SendN), 991 compound_name_arguments(SendN, send, [R,Sel|Args]), 992 atom(Sel), Args \== [], 993 Msg =.. [Sel|Args]. 994goal_expansion(GetSuperN, get_class(R, _, Msg, Answer), P, P) :- 995 compound(GetSuperN), 996 compound_name_arguments(GetSuperN, get_super, [R,Sel|AllArgs]), 997 append(Args, [Answer], AllArgs), 998 Msg =.. [Sel|Args]. 999goal_expansion(GetN, get(R, Msg, Answer), P, P) :- 1000 compound(GetN), 1001 compound_name_arguments(GetN, get, [R,Sel|AllArgs]), 1002 append(Args, [Answer], AllArgs), 1003 atom(Sel), Args \== [], 1004 Msg =.. [Sel|Args]. 1005goal_expansion(G0, G, P, P) :- 1006 user:goal_expansion(G0, G), % TBD: we need the module! 1007 G0 \== G. % \=@=? 1008 1009 1010 /******************************* 1011 * INITIALIZATION * 1012 *******************************/
1019initialization_layout(File:Line, M:Goal0, Goal, TermPos) :- 1020 read_term_at_line(File, Line, M, Directive, DirectivePos, _), 1021 Directive = (:- initialization(ReadGoal)), 1022 DirectivePos = term_position(_, _, _, _, [InitPos]), 1023 InitPos = term_position(_, _, _, _, [GoalPos]), 1024 ( ReadGoal = M:_ 1025 -> Goal = M:Goal0 1026 ; Goal = Goal0 1027 ), 1028 unify_body(ReadGoal, Goal, M, GoalPos, TermPos), 1029 !. 1030 1031 1032 /******************************* 1033 * PRINTABLE NAMES * 1034 *******************************/ 1035 1036:- module_transparent 1037 predicate_name/2. 1038:- multifile 1039 user:prolog_predicate_name/2, 1040 user:prolog_clause_name/2. 1041 (user). 1043hidden_module(system). 1044hidden_module(pce_principal). % should be config 1045hidden_module(Module) :- % SWI-Prolog specific 1046 import_module(Module, system). 1047 1048thaffix(1, st) :- !. 1049thaffix(2, nd) :- !. 1050thaffix(_, th).
1056predicate_name(Predicate, PName) :-
1057 strip_module(Predicate, Module, Head),
1058 ( user:prolog_predicate_name(Module:Head, PName)
1059 -> true
1060 ; functor(Head, Name, Arity),
1061 ( hidden_module(Module)
1062 -> format(string(PName), '~q/~d', [Name, Arity])
1063 ; format(string(PName), '~q:~q/~d', [Module, Name, Arity])
1064 )
1065 ).
1071clause_name(Ref, Name) :- 1072 user:prolog_clause_name(Ref, Name), 1073 !. 1074clause_name(Ref, Name) :- 1075 nth_clause(Head, N, Ref), 1076 !, 1077 predicate_name(Head, PredName), 1078 thaffix(N, Th), 1079 format(string(Name), '~d-~w clause of ~w', [N, Th, PredName]). 1080clause_name(Ref, Name) :- 1081 clause_property(Ref, erased), 1082 !, 1083 clause_property(Ref, predicate(M:PI)), 1084 format(string(Name), 'erased clause from ~q', [M:PI]). 1085clause_name(_, '<meta-call>')
Get detailed source-information about a clause
This module started life as part of the GUI tracer. As it is generally useful for debugging purposes it has moved to the general Prolog library.
The tracer library
adds caching and dealing with dynamic predicates using listing to XPCE objects to this. Note that clause_info/4 as below can be slow. */