31:- module(c_cpack,
32 [ package_table//1, 33 cpack//2, 34 cpack_status_icon//1, 35 cpack_link//1, 36 cpack_prop//2, 37 commit_info//3, 38 current_package/2 39 ]). 40:- include(bundle(html_page)).
41:- use_module(user(user_db)). 42:- use_module(library(http/http_path)). 43:- use_module(library(dcg/basics)). 44:- use_module(library(cpack/repository)). 45:- use_module(library(cpack/dependency)). 46:- use_module(library(semweb/rdf_db)). 47:- use_module(library(semweb/rdfs)). 48:- use_module(library(semweb/rdf_label)). 49:- use_module(library(pldoc/doc_wiki)). 50:- use_module(library(pldoc/doc_html)). 51:- use_module(components(label)). 52:- use_module(cliopatria(hooks)). 53:- use_module('cpack/graphs').
70cliopatria:list_resource(Pack) -->
71 { rdfs_individual_of(Pack, cpack:'Package') },
72 cpack(Pack, []).
73cliopatria:list_resource(Pack) -->
74 { rdfs_individual_of(Pack, cpack:'File') },
75 cpack_file(Pack, []).
85package_table(Options) -->
86 { option(sort_by(By), Options, name),
87 findall(Package, current_package(Package, Options), List),
88 sort(List, ListUniq),
89 sort_packages(By, ListUniq, Packages)
90 },
91 html_requires(css('cpack.css')),
92 html(table(class(block),
93 [ tr([ \sort_th(status, By, 'OK?'),
94 \sort_th(name, By, 'Name'),
95 \sort_th(title, By, 'Title'),
96 \sort_th(type, By, 'Type'),
97 \sort_th(author, By, 'Author'),
98 \sort_th(date, By, 'Date')
99 ])
100 | \package_rows(Packages, 1, Options)
101 ])).
103current_package(Package, Options) :-
104 ( option(user(User), Options)
105 -> rdf_has(Package, cpack:submittedBy, User)
106 ; true
107 ),
108 rdfs_individual_of(Package, cpack:'Package').
111package_rows([], _, _) --> [].
112package_rows([H|T], Row, Options) -->
113 odd_even_row(Row, Next, \package_row(H, Options)),
114 package_rows(T, Next, Options).
116package_row(Package, _Options) -->
117 html([ td(class(status),
118 \cpack_status_icon(Package)),
119 td(class(name),
120 \cpack_link(Package)),
121 td(class(title),
122 div(\cpack_prop(Package, dcterms:title))),
123 td(class(type),
124 div(\cpack_prop(Package, rdf:type))),
125 td(class(author),
126 div(\cpack_prop(Package, cpack:author))),
127 td(class(date),
128 div(\cpack_prop(Package, cpack:submittedDate)))
129 ]).
136sort_packages(Key, Packs, Sorted) :-
137 map_list_to_pairs(cpack_sort_key(Key), Packs, Keyed),
138 keysort(Keyed, KeySorted),
139 pairs_values(KeySorted, Sorted0),
140 ( Key == date 141 -> reverse(Sorted0, Sorted)
142 ; Sorted = Sorted0
143 ).
149cpack_sort_key(status, Pack, Status) :-
150 ( package_problem(Pack, _Problem)
151 -> Status = bad
152 ; Status = good
153 ).
154cpack_sort_key(name, Pack, Key) :-
155 rdf_display_label(Pack, Name),
156 collation_key(Name, Key).
157cpack_sort_key(title, Pack, Key) :-
158 ( rdf_has(Pack, dcterms:title, Literal)
159 -> literal_text(Literal, Title),
160 collation_key(Title, Key)
161 ; collation_key('', Key)
162 ).
163cpack_sort_key(type, Pack, Key) :-
164 ( rdf_has(Pack, rdf:type, Type)
165 -> rdf_display_label(Type, Label),
166 collation_key(Label, Key)
167 ; Key = ''
168 ).
169cpack_sort_key(author, Pack, Key) :-
170 ( rdf_has(Pack, cpack:author, Author)
171 -> ( rdf_has(Author, foaf:name, Literal)
172 -> literal_text(Literal, Title),
173 collation_key(Title, Key)
174 ; Key = Author
175 )
176 ; Key = ''
177 ).
178cpack_sort_key(date, Pack, Key) :-
179 ( rdf_has(Pack, cpack:submittedDate, Key)
180 -> true
181 ; Key = ''
182 ).
193cpack(Pack, _Options) -->
194 { rdf_has(Pack, cpack:name, literal(Name)),
195 package_status(Pack, Problems)
196 },
197 html_requires(css('cpack.css')),
198 html(div(class(cpack),
199 [ h2([ 'Package "', Name, '" -- ',
200 \cpack_prop(Pack, dcterms:title),
201 span([class(status), style('float:right')],
202 [ \cpack_update_icon(Pack),
203 \cpack_status_icon(Pack, Problems)
204 ])
205 ]),
206 table(class(infobox),
207 [ \p_row(Pack, rdf:type),
208 \p_row(Pack, cpack:home),
209 \p_row(Pack, cpack:author),
210 \p_row(Pack, cpack:submittedBy),
211 \p_row(Pack, cpack:submittedDate),
212 \p_row(Pack, cpack:requires),
213 \p_row(Pack, cpack:clonedRepository),
214 \p_row(Pack, cpack:mirrorRepository),
215 \install_url_row(Pack)
216 ]),
217 br([class('after-ptable')]),
218 div(class(description),
219 \cpack_wiki(Pack, cpack:description)),
220 br(clear(all)),
221 \cpack_issues(Pack, Problems),
222 \git_shortlog(Pack, [limit(5)]),
223 h3('Files in package'),
224 \files_in_pack(Pack),
225 \cpack_dependency_graph(Pack, [])
226 ])).
231install_url_row(Pack) -->
232 { rdf_has(Pack, cpack:packageName, literal(Name)),
233 cpack_uri(pack, Name, URL)
234 },
235 html(tr([th('Install URL:'), td(a(href(URL), URL))])).
243git_shortlog(Pack, Options) -->
244 { cpack_log(Pack, ShortLog, Options) },
245 html([ h3('Recent changes'),
246 table(class(git_shortlog),
247 \shortlog_rows(ShortLog, Pack, 1))
248 ]).
250shortlog_rows([], _, _) --> [].
251shortlog_rows([H|T], Pack, Row) -->
252 odd_even_row(Row, Next, \shortlog_row(H, Pack)),
253 shortlog_rows(T, Pack, Next).
255shortlog_row(Record, Pack) -->
256 html([ \td_git_log(Pack, author_date_relative, Record),
257 \td_git_log(Pack, author_name, Record),
258 \td_git_log(Pack, subject_and_refnames, Record)
259 ]).
261td_git_log(Pack, subject_and_refnames, Record) --> !,
262 { git_log_data(subject, Record, Subject),
263 git_log_data(ref_names, Record, RefNames),
264 git_log_data(commit_hash, Record, Commit),
265 http_link_to_id(git_show, [a(commit),h(Commit),r(Pack)], HREF)
266 },
267 html(td(class(subject),
268 [ a(href(HREF), \trunc(Subject, 50)), \ref_names(RefNames)])).
269td_git_log(_, Field, Record) -->
270 { git_log_data(Field, Record, Value),
271 ( Value == ''
272 -> Class = empty
273 ; Class = Field
274 )
275 },
276 html(td(class(Class), Value)).
278ref_names([]) --> !.
279ref_names(List) -->
280 html(span(class(ref_names), \ref_name_list(List))).
282ref_name_list([]) --> [].
283ref_name_list([H|T]) -->
284 html(span(class(ref_name), H)), ref_name_list(T).
286trunc(Text, Max) -->
287 { truncate_atom(Text, Max, Show) },
288 html(Show).
298commit_info(Pack, Hash, Options) -->
299 { select_option(diff(Diff), Options, Rest, stat),
300 cpack_show(Pack, Hash, Record-Body, [diff(Diff)|Rest]),
301 commit_data(subject, Record, Subject)
302 },
303 html_requires(css('cpack.css')),
304 html(div(class(cpack),
305 [ h2(Subject),
306 table(class(commit),
307 [ \tr_commit(author, author_name, Record),
308 \tr_commit('', author_date, Record),
309 \tr_commit(committer, committer_name, Record),
310 \tr_commit('', committer_date, Record),
311 tr([th(commit), td(class(commit), Hash)]),
312 \tr_commit(tree, tree_hash, Record),
313 \tr_commit(parent, parent_hashes, Record)
314 ]),
315 \select_diff(Diff),
316 pre(class(commitdiff),
317 \diff_lines(Body, Diff))
318 ])).
320select_diff(Now) -->
321 { other_diff(Now, Other),
322 http_current_request(Request),
323 http_reload_with_parameters(Request, [diff(Other)], HREF)
324 },
325 html(div(class(diffstyle),
326 ['Diff style: ', b(Now), ' ', a(href(HREF), Other)])).
328other_diff(patch, stat).
329other_diff(stat, patch).
331diff_lines([], _) --> [].
332diff_lines([Line|T], Diff) -->
333 ( { diff_line_class(Line, Diff, Class) }
334 -> html(span(class(Class), ['~s'-[Line]]))
335 ; diff_line(Line, Diff)
336 -> []
337 ; html('~s'-[Line])
338 ),
339 ( {T==[]}
340 -> []
341 ; ['\n'],
342 diff_lines(T, Diff)
343 ).
345:- if(current_predicate(string_codes/2)). 346term_expansion(diff_line_class(Start, Diff, Class),
347 diff_line_class(Codes, Diff, Class)) :-
348 string_codes(Start, ClosedCodes),
349 append(ClosedCodes, _, Codes).
350:- else. 351term_expansion(diff_line_class(Start, Diff, Class),
352 diff_line_class(Codes, Diff, Class)) :-
353 is_list(Start),
354 append(Start, _, Codes).
355:- endif. 356
357diff_line_class("diff ", patch, diff).
358diff_line_class("--- ", patch, a).
359diff_line_class("+++ ", patch, b).
360diff_line_class("-", patch, del).
361diff_line_class("+", patch, add).
363diff_line(Line, stat) -->
364 { phrase(dirstat(File, Sep, Count, Plusses, Minus), Line) },
365 html([ ' ', span(class(file), '~s'-[File]),
366 '~s'-[Sep],
367 '~s'-[Count], ' ',
368 span(class(add), '~s'-[Plusses]),
369 span(class(del), '~s'-[Minus])
370 ]).
372dirstat(File, Sep, [D0|RD], Plusses, Minus) -->
373 " ",
374 string_without(" ", File),
375 string(Sep),
376 digit(D0),digits(RD),
377 " ",
378 plusses(Plusses),
379 minuss(Minus).
381plusses([0'+|T]) --> "+", !, plusses(T).
382plusses([]) --> [].
384minuss([0'+|T]) --> "-", !, minuss(T).
385minuss([]) --> [].
387tr_commit(Label, Field, Record) -->
388 { commit_data(Field, Record, Value) },
389 html(tr([th(Label), td(class(Field), Value)])).
397files_in_pack(Pack) -->
398 { findall(File, rdf_has(File, cpack:inPack, Pack), Files),
399 files_to_tree(Files, Trees)
400 },
401 pack_size(Files),
402 html_requires(css('ul_tree.css')),
403 html(ul(class(tree),
404 \dir_nodes(Trees))).
406pack_size(Files) -->
407 { maplist(cpack_file_size, Files, Sizes),
408 length(Files, Count),
409 sumlist(Sizes, Total)
410 },
411 html(p([ 'Pack contains ', \n('~D', Count), ' files holding a total of ',
412 b(\n(human, Total)), 'bytes. ',
413 'Below is the file hierarchy of the package. ',
414 'The tree link to pages that provide history and dependencies ',
415 'for each file.'
416 ])).
418cpack_file_size(File, Size) :-
419 rdf_has(File, cpack:size, Literal),
420 literal_text(Literal, Text),
421 atom_number(Text, Size).
423dir_nodes([]) --> [].
424dir_nodes([H|T]) --> dir_node(H), dir_nodes(T).
426dir_node(leaf(File)) --> !,
427 html(li(class(file), \cpack_link(File))).
428dir_node(tree(Dir, SubTrees)) -->
429 html(li(class(dir),
430 [ span(class(dir), Dir),
431 ul(class(dir),
432 \dir_nodes(SubTrees))
433 ])).
435files_to_tree(Files, Tree) :-
436 map_list_to_pairs(path_of, Files, Pairs),
437 keysort(Pairs, Sorted),
438 make_tree(Sorted, Tree).
440path_of(File, Segments) :-
441 rdf_has(File, cpack:path, literal(Path)),
442 atomic_list_concat(Segments, /, Path).
444make_tree([], []).
445make_tree([H|T], [Node|More]) :-
446 first_path(H, HS, Dir),
447 ( HS = []-File
448 -> Node = leaf(File),
449 Rest = T
450 ; Node = tree(Dir, SubTrees),
451 same_first_path(T, Dir, TS, Rest),
452 make_tree([HS|TS], SubTrees)
453 ),
454 make_tree(Rest, More).
456first_path([Dir|Sub]-File, Sub-File, Dir).
458same_first_path([], _, [], []) :- !.
459same_first_path([H|T], Dir, [HS|TS], Rest) :-
460 first_path(H, HS, Dir), !,
461 same_first_path(T, Dir, TS, Rest).
462same_first_path(Rest, _, [], Rest).
471cpack_issues(_, []) --> !.
472cpack_issues(Pack, Problems) -->
473 html([ h3('Issues with this package'),
474 \list(Problems, problem(Pack), ul)
475 ]).
477problem(_Pack, conflict(Pack2, Why)) --> !,
478 html([ span(class(msg_warning),
479 [ 'Conflict with package ', \cpack_link(Pack2) ]),
480 \list(Why, conflict_reason, ul)
481 ]).
482problem(_Pack, not_satified(Why)) --> !,
483 html([ span(class(msg_warning),
484 [ 'The following requirements cannot be satisfied' ]),
485 \list(Why, not_satisfied_reason, ul)
486 ]).
488conflict_reason(same_module(M, File1, File2)) -->
489 html([ 'Module ', M, ' is provided by ', \cpack_link(File1), ' and ',
490 \cpack_link(File2)
491 ]).
492conflict_reason(same_file(Path, File1, File2)) -->
493 html([ 'Path alias ', Path, ' can be resolved by the files ',
494 \cpack_link(File1), ' and ', \cpack_link(File2)
495 ]).
496conflict_reason(Term) -->
497 html('Unknown reason: ~q'-Term).
499not_satisfied_reason(no_token(Token)) --> !,
500 html(['No package provides the required token ',
501 a(span(class(token), \cpack_link(Token)))]).
502not_satisfied_reason(file(File, Problems)) --> !,
503 html([ 'The following dependencies of ', \cpack_link(File, cpack:path),
504 ' cannot be satisfied',
505 \list(Problems, file_problem, ul)
506 ]).
507not_satisfied_reason(Term) -->
508 html('Unknown reason: ~q'-Term).
510file_problem(double_import(PI, File1, File2)) -->
511 html([ 'Both ', \cpack_link(File1), ' and ', \cpack_link(File2),
512 ' export ', \pi(PI)
513 ]).
514file_problem(file_not_found(FileRef)) -->
515 html([ 'File reference ', \cpack_link(FileRef), ' cannot be resolved'
516 ]).
517file_problem(predicate_not_found(PI)) -->
518 html([ 'Predicate ', \pi(PI), ' cannot be resolved'
519 ]).
520file_problem(Term) -->
521 html('Unknown reason: ~q'-Term).
523pi(PI) -->
524 html(span(class(pi), PI)).
530cpack_status_icon(Package) -->
531 { package_status(Package, Problems) },
532 cpack_status_icon(Package, Problems).
534cpack_status_icon(_Package, []) -->
535 { http_absolute_location(icons('webdev-ok-icon.png'), IMG, [])
536 }, !,
537 html(img([class(status), alt('OK'), src(IMG)])).
538cpack_status_icon(_Package, _Problems) -->
539 { http_absolute_location(icons('webdev-alert-icon.png'), IMG, [])
540 }, !,
541 html(img([class(status), alt('Not satisfied'), src(IMG)])).
544package_status(Pack, Problems) :-
545 findall(Problem, package_problem(Pack, Problem), Problems).
547package_problem(Pack, conflict(Pack2, Why)) :-
548 cpack_conflicts(Pack, Pack2, Why).
549package_problem(Pack, not_satified(What)) :-
550 cpack_not_satisfied(Pack, What).
557cpack_update_icon(Pack) -->
558 { logged_on(User),
559 ( user_property(User, url(UserURI)),
560 rdf_has(Pack, cpack:submittedBy, UserURI)
561 ; catch(check_permission(User, admin(cpack)), _, fail)
562 ), !,
563 http_absolute_location(icons('webdev-arrow-up-icon.png'), IMG, []),
564 http_current_request(Request),
565 memberchk(request_uri(ReturnTo), Request),
566 http_link_to_id(cpack_resubmit,
567 [ pack(Pack),
568 return_to(ReturnTo)
569 ],
570 Resubmit)
571 },
572 html(a(href(Resubmit),
573 img([ class(update),
574 alt('Update'),
575 title('Pull a new version'),
576 src(IMG)
577 ]))).
578cpack_update_icon(_) --> [].
589cpack_file(FileURL, _Options) -->
590 { rdf_has(FileURL, cpack:path, literal(Path)),
591 rdf_has(FileURL, cpack:inPack, Pack)
592 },
593 html_requires(css('cpack.css')),
594 html(div(class(cpack),
595 [ h2(['File "', Path, '"', \download(FileURL)]),
596 table(class(infobox),
597 [ \p_row(FileURL, cpack:inPack),
598 \p_row(FileURL, cpack:module),
599 \p_row(FileURL, cpack:size)
600 ]),
601 br(clear(all)),
602 \git_shortlog(Pack, [limit(5), git_path(Path)]),
603 \prolog_file(FileURL)
604 ])).
606download(FileURL) -->
607 { http_link_to_id(cpack_show_file, [r(FileURL)], HREF)
608 },
609 html(a([href(HREF), style('float:right')], '[download]')).
616prolog_file(FileURL) -->
617 { rdfs_individual_of(FileURL, cpack:'PrologFile') }, !,
618 html([ \file_imports(FileURL),
619 \used_by(FileURL),
620 \exported_predicates(FileURL),
621 \required_predicates(FileURL)
622 ]).
623prolog_file(_) --> [].
626exported_predicates(FileURL) -->
627 { findall(PI, rdf_has(FileURL, cpack:exportsPredicate, PI), List),
628 List \== []
629 }, !,
630 html(h3('Exported predicates')),
631 list_ul(List, []).
632exported_predicates(_) --> [].
634required_predicates(FileURL) -->
635 { findall(PI, rdf_has(FileURL, cpack:requiresPredicate, PI), List)
636 },
637 html(h3('Required predicates')),
638 list(List, required_predicate(FileURL), ul).
640required_predicate(File, PI) -->
641 { rdf_has(File2, cpack:exportsPredicate, PI),
642 ( rdf_has(File2, cpack:resolves, FileRef),
643 rdf_has(File, cpack:usesFile, FileRef)
644 -> Ref = FileRef
645 ; rdf_has(File, cpack:usesFile, File2)
646 -> Ref = File2
647 )
648 }, !,
649 cpack_link(PI),
650 html([span(class(msg_informational), ' from '), \cpack_link(Ref)]).
651required_predicate(_File, literal(LPI)) -->
652 { atom_to_term(LPI, PI, []),
653 pi_head(PI, Head),
654 predicate_property(Head, autoload(_From)) 655 }, !,
656 cpack_link(literal(LPI)),
657 html([span(class(msg_informational), ' autoloaded')]).
658required_predicate(_File, literal(LPI)) -->
659 { atom_to_term(LPI, Name/Arity, []),
660 current_predicate(user:Name/Arity)
661 }, !,
662 cpack_link(literal(LPI)),
663 html([span(class(msg_informational),
664 ' global predicate in module user')]).
665required_predicate(_File, literal(LPI)) -->
666 { atom_to_term(LPI, PI, []),
667 pi_head(PI, Head),
668 predicate_property(Head, multifile)
669 }, !,
670 cpack_link(literal(LPI)),
671 html([span(class(msg_informational),
672 ' multifile')]).
673required_predicate(File, literal(LPI)) -->
674 { file_calls_public_from(File, UsedFile, LPI)
675 },
676 cpack_link(literal(LPI)),
677 html([span(class(msg_informational),
678 [' public in ', \cpack_link(UsedFile)])]).
679required_predicate(_File, PI) -->
680 cpack_link(PI),
681 html(span(class(msg_error), ' undefined')).
683pi_head(M:PI, M:Head) :- !,
684 pi_head(PI, Head).
685pi_head(Name/Arity, Head) :-
686 functor(Head, Name, Arity).
692file_imports(File) -->
693 html([ h3('This file requires'),
694 ul([ \li_imports(File, 'From packages',
695 cpack:usesPackageFile),
696 \li_imports(File, 'From ClioPatria',
697 cpack:usesClioPatriaFile),
698 \li_imports(File, 'From the Prolog library',
699 cpack:usesSystemFile)
700 ])
701 ]).
703li_imports(File, Label, P0) -->
704 { rdf_global_id(P0, P),
705 findall(I, rdf_has(File, P, I), Imports),
706 Imports \== []
707 }, !,
708 html(li([ Label,
709 \list(Imports, import_into(File), ul)
710 ])).
711li_imports(_, _, _) -->
712 [].
714import_into(Me, FileRef) -->
715 { rdfs_individual_of(FileRef, cpack:'FileRef'),
716 findall(File-PIs, resolves_required(Me, FileRef, File, PIs), ByFile)
717 },
718 cpack_link(FileRef),
719 ( {ByFile==[]}
720 -> html([' ', span(class(msg_error), 'file not found')])
721 ; ( {ByFile=[_]}
722 -> html([' ', span(class(msg_informational),
723 'resolved by')])
724 ; html([' ', span(class(msg_warning),
725 'can be resolved by one of these')])
726 ),
727 list(ByFile, import_from_file, ul)
728 ).
729import_into(Me, File) -->
730 { rdfs_individual_of(File, cpack:'PrologFile'), !,
731 predicates_resolved_by(Me, File, Predicates)
732 },
733 cpack_link(File),
734 imported_predicate_list(File, Predicates).
736import_from_file(File-Predicates) -->
737 cpack_link(File),
738 imported_predicate_list(File, Predicates).
740imported_predicate_list(File, []) -->
741 { rdf_has(File, cpack:exportsPredicate, _) }, !,
742 html([' ', span([ class(msg_warning),
743 title('Prolog cross-reference analysis is \c
744 incomplete, so this is not proof of an error')
745 ],
746 'could not find proof of dependency')]).
747imported_predicate_list(_, []) --> !,
748 html([' ', span(class(msg_informational), 'no exports')]).
749imported_predicate_list(_, Predicates) -->
750 html([': ', span(class(pi_list), \pi_list(Predicates))]).
752pi_list([H|T]) -->
753 html(span(class(pred), \cpack_link(H))),
754 ( {T==[]}
755 -> []
756 ; html(', '),
757 pi_list(T)
758 ).
760resolves_required(Me, Import, File, PIs) :-
761 rdf_has(File, cpack:resolves, Import),
762 predicates_resolved_by(Me, File, PIs).
764predicates_resolved_by(Me, File, PIs) :-
765 findall(PI, (rdf_has(File, cpack:exportsPredicate, PI),
766 rdf_has(Me, cpack:requiresPredicate, PI)
767 ),
768 PIs).
775used_by(File) -->
776 { findall(By-Pack,
777 file_used_by_file_in_package(File, By, Pack),
778 Pairs),
779 Pairs \== []
780 }, !,
781 html([ h3('This file is used by'),
782 \list(Pairs, file_in_package(File), ul)
783 ]).
784used_by(_) --> [].
786file_in_package(Me, File-Pack) -->
787 { rdf_has(Me, cpack:inPack, Pack) }, !,
788 html([ \cpack_link(File, cpack:path),
789 span(class(msg_informational),
790 ' (from the same package)')
791 ]).
792file_in_package(_, File-Pack) -->
793 html([ \cpack_link(File, cpack:path),
794 ' from package ',
795 \cpack_link(Pack)
796 ]).
807p_row(R, P0) -->
808 { rdf_global_id(P0, P),
809 rdf_display_label(P, Label),
810 rdf_has(R, P, _)
811 }, !,
812 html(tr([th([Label, :]), td(\cpack_prop(R, P))])).
813p_row(_, _) --> [].
827list_ul(List, Options) -->
828 { ( select_option(predicate(P0), Options, Rest)
829 -> rdf_global_id(P0, P)
830 ; P = (-),
831 Rest = Options
832 )
833 },
834 html(ul(Rest,
835 \list_li(List, P))).
837list_li([], _) --> [].
838list_li([H|T], P) -->
839 html(li(\cpack_link(H, P))),
840 list_li(T, P).
858:- meta_predicate
859 list(+,3,+,?,?). 860
861list(List, Goal, Type) -->
862 { Type =.. L,
863 append(L, [\list_item(List, Goal)], L1),
864 Term =.. L1
865 },
866 html(Term).
868list_item([], _) --> [].
869list_item([H|T], Goal) -->
870 html(li(\call(Goal, H))),
871 list_item(T, Goal).
881cpack_prop(R, P0) -->
882 { rdf_global_id(P0, P),
883 rdf_has(R, P, O0), !,
884 representer(O0, O)
885 },
886 ( { rdf_is_literal(O) }
887 -> literal(O)
888 ; cpack_link(O, P)
889 ).
890cpack_prop(_, _) --> [].
898cpack_wiki(R, P0) -->
899 { rdf_global_id(P0, P),
900 rdf_has(R, P, O),
901 rdf_is_literal(O)
902 }, !,
903 wiki(O).
904cpack_wiki(_, _) --> [].
914representer(R0, R) :-
915 rdf_is_bnode(R0),
916 rdf_has(R0, owl:sameAs, R),
917 \+ rdf_is_bnode(R), !.
918representer(R, R).
921literal(literal(type(Type, Value))) -->
922 { rdf_equal(Type, xsd:dateTime),
923 parse_time(Value, Time), !,
924 format_time(atom(Human),
925 '%a, %d %b %Y %T %Z',
926 Time)
927 },
928 html(Human).
929literal(O) -->
930 { literal_text(O, Text) },
931 html(Text).
937wiki(L) -->
938 { literal_text(L, Text),
939 atom_codes(Text, Codes),
940 wiki_codes_to_dom(Codes, [], DOM)
941 },
942 html_requires(pldoc),
943 html(DOM).
953:- rdf_meta
954 cpack_label_property(r),
955 cpack_external_link(r). 956
957cpack_link(R) -->
958 cpack_link(R, '-').
960cpack_link(R, P0) -->
961 { P0 \== (-),
962 rdf_global_id(P0, P),
963 cpack_label_property(P),
964 rdf_has(R, P, Name), !,
965 literal_text(Name, Text),
966 resource_link(R, HREF)
967 },
968 html(a(href(HREF), Text)).
969cpack_link(L, _) -->
970 { rdf_is_literal(L), !,
971 literal_text(L, Text)
972 },
973 html(Text).
974cpack_link(R, P) -->
975 { cpack_external_link(P) }, !,
976 html(a(href(R),R)).
977cpack_link(R, _) -->
978 rdf_link(R).
996rdf_label:display_label_hook(R, _, Label) :-
997 rdfs_individual_of(R, cpack:'Package'),
998 rdf_has(R, cpack:packageName, Literal),
999 literal_text(Literal, Label)
CPACK HTML components
This module defines vizualisation primitives for CPACK resources. It also hooks the local-view of ClioPatria to provide nicer pages for instances of CPACK objects such as cpack:Package.